Burning Through Burnouts

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We’re smart happy people and of course, to be that, we take our mental health seriously! That includes time outs, rest days, and a positive workplace culture. 

But sometimes, life happens. And let’s be honest, a lot of us are still going even though we’ve been burnt out for months.

Bills must be paid and those deliverables won’t deliver themselves. Fortunately, we’ve got great tips for that too! 

Here’s how some of the happy smart people at Anakle stay blazing & productive through burnouts!

  • Make time for everything and prioritize: 

When it all seems difficult and overwhelming, slimming down your to-do list is always the way to go. Get down into the details of the project, prioritize what is important and set a time for everything that is relevant. If it isn’t relevant, then it can wait. 

  • Destress with a distraction

We’re never too busy to destress once in a while. When you feel overwhelmed and burnt out, take a second to breathe and indulge in your favourite distressing technique – outdoor lunch, movies, games, or whatever. Destressing with your favourite distraction is our quick fix for feeling burnt out.

  • Change the environment. Think outside your box

When you feel burnt out, sometimes it helps to break routine. To think outside the box, it may help to move outside the box. Work from a different workstation, change your environment, help your mind break the pattern and feel relaxed.

  • Lean on the team

Teamwork has never made the dream work more effectively than when you’re battling burnout. Smart happy people know to support each other through tough times; including fatal deadlines and ticking time bombs. Find your people and lean into them.

  • Draw boundaries, saying No isn’t all that bad.

Saying ‘No’ when you absolutely need to is absolutely necessary. There’s nothing worse than taking on more work when you’re burnt out. Learn to say no and speak up when you’re battling burnout.

There you have it! Staying productive even when you feel burnt out is one of those skills we love to have but hope we never need. When you take care of yourself, everything else falls into place. So go ahead, give yourself permission to slow down, to rest, to recharge. You deserve it.